Uber on Tuesday said it will introduce tips for drivers, the company was strongly opposed to tipping by riders in the past. Lyft, it's rival has had an option to tip from the earliest days of its US operations, uber never considered this option, citing that it was not a great hassle-free experience for drivers and riders. According to Uber all US cities Will have a … [Read more...]
New Smart Uber Pool in Manhattan
Uber Pool is the most affordable ride you can get in Manhattan and is an alternative to buses. UberPool requires the rider to walk to the corner of a street for a quicker pickup. With the new improved matching algorithms, the pickup and drop-off of riders has become easy and saves time. Read more here... … [Read more...]
Waymo and Lyft to Jointly Work on Self-Driving Cars
Lyft and Waymo owned by Alphaber parent company of google plan to work togather and test autonomous cars on the road. Lyft is currently working with General Motors Co.on autonomous car technology. Lyft is the second largest ridesharing provider in United States. “Lyft’s vision and commitment to improving the way cities move will help Waymo’s self-driving technology reach … [Read more...]
Now You Can See Your Rider Rating in Uber App
Uber rating system has undergone some changes today, the new rating system specifically deals with how UberPool rides are rated by riders. If the rider rates the driver less than 5 stars, they have to choose one of the six reasons to be specific for their rating. These are the six reasons: 1. Poor route 2. Too many pickups 3. Co-rider behavior 4. Navigation 5. Driving and … [Read more...]
Uber tracked Lyft drivers with ‘Hell’ software
Michael Gonzales has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, asking for five million dollars from Uber in a class action lawsuit. Michael Gonzales alleges Uber of using a program called “Hell” while he was driving for Lyft. According to the story, Lyft drivers were tracked by Uber using a software program called … [Read more...]