Silicon Valley and tech industry, is fond of disrupting things, and now it has eyes on bringing flying cars to disrupt auto industry.
These cars drive themselves using artificial intelligence. The development of these cars have been going on for a few years.
Many companies, such as Terrafugia and Aeromobil, are in the process of developing flying cars which don’t look like cars but more like small planes.
Model of flying car’s have been built since the early twentieth century, but no company has been able to reach production quality yet.
Visualize you are going to the airport and your Uber ride takes to the sky skipping the gridlock, that ride is not too far away.
Uber the ride-hailing company has some aggressive plans to bring flying cars to their operating network and test them within the next 3 Years.
Uber App will have the flying car option available when they have enough cars in their ride-hailing network.
Officials in Dallas-Fort Worth and Dubai have signed on to work with the company on testing vehicles that can take off and land vertically in their cities by 2020, Uber said at a conference in Dallas. The San Francisco company said it’s partnering with a handful of aircraft manufacturers and real estate firms, as well as with ChargePoint Inc. to lay an electric charging network.
The technology is not perfect yet and there are government regulations and injury insurance matters which pose real challenges to these companies.